Parshat Yitro - Keeping your wits about you

The big story in Yitro is that the Jews get the Torah. That’s a big story. The Torah is a game-changer, to the say the least. But the story of the giving of the Torah is not the only story in the Parsha. The Parsha starts with - and is named for - Moses’ father-in-law, Yitro.

Yitro’s big contibution is not about what’s in the Torah. It’s about how the stuff that’s in the Torah gets communicated to the people who need to know. He develops a system of local judges who can answer questions in their local communities. Moshe likes the idea. God likes the idea. It’s a go. Thanks, Yitro!

The point is that, yes, the Torah is the Torah. And how the Torah gets done in the world requires the participation, insight, genius, and enthusiasm of the people who are supposed to do. There are a million hacks that are yet to be discovered that can make Jewish stuff more alive, more personal, more enjoyable, more relatable, more accessible, more communicable. And in order for those things to emerge, the people who use the Torah need to keep their wits about them. Take a deep breath, fugure out what’s needed, figure out how to do it.