Deepen Your Jewish Experience
Maybe you pray every day and celebrate Shabbat every week but it feels flat and dry. Maybe you sense that high holidays, Passover seders, Purim feasts, and daily rituals are actually quite deep and should be more impacting, but you can’t find a way in. Maybe you want to do something but you have no idea where to begin.
It’s so wonderful that you want that. Wanting to grow is the beginning.
And you’re right - Passover can and should be a cathartic family experience; Rosh Hashanah can and should be a time of deep introspection and emptying-out for what the new year has to offer; Shabbat can and should be a time of real Presence and rest and connection with self and others; daily prayer can and should help us know ourselves, focus on what is important, and articulate our needs, wants, and gratitudes.
So let’s work together to figure out what’s in the way and what’s missing.