Who Even Cares?
Rebbe Nachman told fabulous stories that continue to resonate after 200 years. Following a rich tradition of interpreting these stories and applying their wisdom to the challenges of the current moment, this book provides an original commentary and fabulous drawings alongside the original text. Recommended for people between the ages of 10 and 92.
The 50th Gate - Tracking Your Growth Through the Counting of the Omer
A day-by-day guide through the growthful period of Counting the Omer. Each day gets a tight, detailed description of that day’s work, along with clear action items and space to journal.
Passionate Prayer
This book takes Dr. Schnarch's radical redefinition of intimacy and applies it to prayer. Combining ancient sources and modern thinking on relationship and developmental theory, this volume guides us toward Passionate Prayer, the expression of a mature, intimate relationship with the Divine; prayer that revitalizes us, evokes the fullness of who we are, and leaves us anticipating the next encounter.
Books purchases are through my other website, Alternadox.